The general dentist is the one who has the initial contact with the patient. In this first consultation, an exhaustive diagnosis will be made, assisted by dental X-rays, of the entire oral cavity, teeth, and related structures, and an attempt will be made to solve the primary problems, in addition to properly channeling the patient’s needs, referring them to the necessary specialist.
The dentist, in general, will carry out a prophylaxis right after the diagnosis of the patient. (We carry out prophylaxis or dental cleaning in the first consultation, if the patient does not present serious periodontal problems).
He is also in charge of dental restorations with dental caries, which is nothing more than the destruction of tooth tissue caused by the presence of bacteria deposited on dental surfaces. The treatment that helps to solve the caries is cleaning it and the subsequent filling of the resulting cavity with a filling (filling) of amalgam (metallic color) or composite (white color), although if the caries affects the chamber pulpar (nerve) of the dental piece it will be necessary to carry out an endodontic treatment.